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photo taken by a professional photographer during a free photography mini session
Lake Mary

Saturday, Dec 21

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photo taken by a professional photographer during a free photography mini session

Saturday, Dec 21

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photo taken by a professional photographer during a free photography mini session
Lake Formosa

Sunday, Dec 22

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photo taken by a professional photographer during a free photography mini session
Downtown Lakefront

Sunday, Dec 22

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photo taken by a professional photographer during a free photography mini session

Saturday, Dec 28

photo taken by a professional photographer during a free photography mini session
Downtown Urban Oasis

Saturday, Dec 28

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photo taken by a professional photographer during a free photography mini session
Lake Apopka at Newton Park

Sunday, Jan 5

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photo taken by a professional photographer during a free photography mini session

Saturday, Jan 11

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photo taken by a professional photographer during a free photography mini session

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1178 Broadway, 3rd Floor #1129, New York, NY 10001 +1 917-275-7471